Conquering Hills
An exuberant Hellooo to everyone and how are you?!? Last week was full of all kinds of extra energy with the Solstice, a "Ring of Fire"...
Managing Powerful Emotions When You Are Afraid
There's no doubt about it, fear is a powerful emotion. Fear manifests as worry in the mind and can express itself physically with...
The Power of a Worst-Case Scenario
Fear starts a domino effect. The worry that comes from fear can run as rampant as your imagination allows. Fear conjures images and...
Keep Fear From Making You Sick
Fear is an intense emotion. It can send a surge of white-hot energy throughout your body as adrenaline flushes your system and makes you...
Friend or Foe? Some Fear Is Healthy
If you asked most people, they would agree fear is something they’d like to avoid. Being scared, feeling fear and worrying tend to be...
Fear- the Thief that Steals Your Future
Fear is a natural emotion and sometimes fear is actually very healthy. Our earliest ancestors relied on the fight or flight response to...
Embracing, Learning, Changing
Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening -- wherever you are and whatever time it is, I am so happy you are "here" with me. When you...