Life Is Now
Hello on this last day of September! Here we are, three quarters of the year 2021 has already gone by. I wonder where you're at with this...

Keep Up And Stay In The Loop
I hope you're feeling good right now. If you're not, I wonder if you know what's up around that? Sometimes we just don't feel our best,...

A Life of Meditation
Hey, there -- how are you? Is it me or did the summer fly by?!? I know fall isn't official for another five days, but as soon as school...

Then Or Now?
When it comes to your health and overall well-being, it's wonderful if you can have many years of practiced self-care. That's just not...

What's Mine Is Mine
A cheery "Hello" to you as we slide into September! Even though I have extensive training and practice in mindfulness, I can't seem to...