Conquering Hills
An exuberant Hellooo to everyone and how are you?!? Last week was full of all kinds of extra energy with the Solstice, a "Ring of Fire" solar eclipse, and Pluto, Saturn, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter have all gone retrograde! I am no expert on suns, moons, stars or planets, but this does not sound like we are in a business as usual phase! All I can suggest is that we all get grounded and like bamboo:
be flexible, yet rooted
unleash our power to spring back
find wisdom in emptiness and "not-knowing"
commit to continual growth
express usefulness through simplicity
Now, on to a little more about this week's MQ (Monday Quote) ...
I was thinking about celebrations the other day and how much has gone uncelebrated because of COVID. Both my son and my nephew had elegant weddings planned for this spring and could not go through with what they'd hoped for. The two couples decided to marry with small, family gatherings and each one of those turned out to be pretty perfect, although not what any of them (or us) had envisioned. Still, they were both a wonderful reason to party.
Weddings are something people get excited about, however so many people I know are distressed by the thought of celebrating a birthday. I'm not one of those and will do whatever it takes to try and make the festivities last a month, but I have noticed that I am in the minority. I didn't know how or where the saying, "Over the hill" started, so I did what many of us do, I Googled it.
Origin and Meaning - being no longer young and unable to do what
you once did. A humorous way of saying that someone is
old, no longer attractive and energetic, or someone who
can't keep up with the young ones anymore.
This saying dates back to the 1900s in England.
I find absolutely nothing humorous about this. In fact, I find it offensive and sad. This is what I put out there a few days ago:
"Over the hill ... what hill?
Who put it there?
Create your own hill.
You can either make it smaller and easy to get over
and on to the next one, or make it bigger
and just keep on climbing."
You do realize that "the hill" is all in your mind, right? No one has the authority to put that on you or me as if it's true, because it's not. Are you willing to let someone talk you into believing that life is a hill of a specific size and that once you get to a certain, set point you might as well give up and simply roll down said hill until you hit bottom and die?!? Not on my watch!
No one is going to tell me when I am "old" and past my prime. In fact, I feel like every day I just get better and closer to my prime, which seems to me like some golden era I keep moving toward. I would go so far as to say that I believe my full-bloom might not happen until the day before I croak (as Abraham often says, Every day is a gift and an opportunity to learn something new, tweak some aspect of ourselves, find something better to which we aspire, and improve.
I love the words to Climb Every Mountain from The Sound of Music ...
Climb every mountain
Search high and low
Follow every byway
Every path you know
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream
A dream that will need
All the love you can give
Every day of your life
For as long as you live
Climb every mountain
Ford every stream
Follow every rainbow
Till you find your dream
The heck with those hills -- that is what I wish for you.
BTW, if you read these blogettes on FB, they will soon be appearing on my "Business Page", Barbara L Cummings. I'll keep posting on my personal page with my random observations, but I'll be offering up some juicy stuff and my "official" posts on the biz page. And, speaking of juicy stuff, there's something on the way...
Sparkles and Love,