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Life Is Now

Hello on this last day of September! Here we are, three quarters of the year 2021 has already gone by. I wonder where you're at with this passing of time? Ever since March of 2020 it feels like we've been living with more uncertainty than usual and we're all waiting for an "end" to this pandemic.

This week's "Seed" brings up some thoughts about that:

"Waiting is also Life. Just because your plane or train is delayed (or a pandemic seems like it will never end!), or something isn't happening within the time frame you expected, life isn't on hold. Life is now."

Have you ever found yourself saying, "When .... then I'll ...". Often, for women, it's something like, "When I

lose those last 10 pounds, I'll get a bathing suit and go to the beach.". In the meantime, we deprive ourselves of a pleasurable experience. Something I hear more often now that I'm of a certain age is, "When I retire, I'll finally get to see the Grand Canyon (insert whatever destination you like here) or "I'll spend more time with my family", or "I'll finally learn how to sail (again, put whatever you're longing to do here).".

Here's another situation ... if you're in traffic and it's not even moving and it looks like you'll be there for awhile, do you feel like you're doing nothing? Are you impatient and anxious to move on, get to where you're going? Of course, if you're trying to get to work or an appointment, it can be stressful to be held up. We might have made a plan and left with plenty of time, but we don't always have control over what happens. Something we can manage is how we think about it and how we react. Waiting is also a component of life. Don't let life pass you by because you're waiting. Instead, while you're waiting, make use of the time. Go to the beach and have fun. Take a trip that's nearby. Visit with family and friends as much as you can. If some of them live far away, plan to FaceTime or Zoom with them. The next time you're "stuck" somewhere, appreciate the down time. Take a few deep breaths, maybe even meditate for a minute or two, and make a gratitude list. Life doesn't go on hold. It's always happening. It's up to us to make the most of it. A full, juicy life is what I wish for you.

Sparkles and Love,


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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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