Compassionate Resolution

Greetings to all of you from Boston. This is the last time I'll be writing from my hometown for the next several months. Next week I begin my annual cross-country drive to southern Oregon. I thought the pandemic would be unsettling, but the recent west coast fires have created a whole other set of concerns. I'll be keeping a close eye on the situation and will keep you all informed on my progress. You can also look for my Facebook videos which I'll be posting along the way.
With all the "free" time we've had to contemplate life during the time of COVID, it's no wonder if you've found yourself thinking about your past. Whenever I go there I not only have fond memories but I also remember things I'd rather forget. Given too much time, I can get lost in stuff I've tried to bury. I remember hearing Dr. Christiane Northrup explain a woman's cycle. During the week before her period, when everything comes to the surface that's been bothering her, it's like the tide going out leaving whatever was on the ocean floor exposed to the sun. We all know what happens to seaweed and shells when they're heating up ... they start to stink, but just as that begins, the tide comes back in and covers them up again with fresh seawater. The comparison can be made that there's an opportunity for a woman to address the things that are eating away at her soul, when she has her defenses down and they're all right at the surface. If she doesn't tend to them, they go back under and get covered up. Then, when menopause hits, the tide goes out ... and it doesn't come back in. Women get a bad wrap during this wonder-full time in their lives because they're finally looking at what needs to be reconciled which can mean some incredibly dynamic shifts in their lives and a profound effect on those around them.
This week's MQ dealt with the idea of looking at hurts and ungrieved parts of our lives.
"Until you heal the wounds of your past,
you are going to bleed."
- Iyanla Vanzant
"It might be energy, it might be power ...
Whatever it is, it will be messy."
What happens to a cut or scrape that isn't treated? It gets worse and can even get infected. The same thing can happen with pain or hurt or trauma from an earlier time in our life. It feels easier to try and ignore it, but it's eventually going to fester and start to drain us. There's no way around it and we need to recognize that we have to deal with it and go through it to come out the other side.
This is an interesting time within which we are learning to live and navigate. We're spending more time at home without the possibility of going very far. We have opportunities to watch more television OR to finally get a handle on old sh*t. We can start by doing some journaling, however I think this is the perfect time to find someone to guide us. Many coaches, mentors, and counselors are taking advantage of Zoom and we're not limited by location.
Unresolved energy, especially when it's negative, will take its toll. We might find ourselves overreacting or feeling sad or even depressed. Little things can set us off and big things, like a virus or fires, can put us into a tailspin. It feels good to be healthy and whole and the only way to do that is to do our work. What a wonderful opportunity we have to do it now. Taking good care and treating ourselves with kindness and tenderness is one of the best things we can do for ourselves, for everyone around us, and for the world -- this is what I wish for you.
Need to talk with someone? I've got some plans in the works for putting together a virtual community, but in the meantime, I've got a couple of openings for 1:1. Send me a message and we'll set up a time.
Sparkles and Love,