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Making Sense

Welcome to this week's Bloom! If this is your first time here, I'm delighted that you "found" me and if you are a returning reader, this is a reminder that I love and appreciate you.

This week's Seed held a few powerful questions:

"How do you make sense of the world?

Is it working for you and if not,

are you willing to try something different?"

Let's break it down ... what does it mean to "make sense of the world"? For me, it's a matter of how do I get comfortable -- what do I need to navigate the ups and downs, the highs and lows? Sometimes I ponder, Why am I here? Ultimately, it often comes down to what feels good. For contrast, I might ask what feels bad, however I'm almost always seeking a higher vibration.

With regard to how life can be a challenge and not always feel like it's "working" out the way I would like, well, sometimes sh*t happens. However, my spidey sense kicks in when I start to notice patterns or a few days in a row when nothing seems to be going as expected.

In the past, when my life was a mess, I would immediately start to look all around me and I would collect "evidence" that put blame on other people and circumstances. It was as if the world was out to get me and I felt like a victim. It did not feel good and I had a lot of anger and resentment. I frequently was not pleasant to be around. Deep down I was also scared (although I would have forcefully denied that if anyone suggested it!). I didn't have very many skills for "making sense of the world". For a long time I clung to my views and beliefs, mainly because I simply wasn't aware that there was another way to look at and deal with situations and circumstances.

I've observed lots of people who are unhappy and struggling and who "say" they want something else, who want better "life skills", yet do nothing. We've probably all heard Einstein's quote, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.". At the same time, there's something inside us that says, "I know how to do this -- maybe I'll finally get another outcome just this once.". It's not going to happen. I know, I tried it.

What it takes is finally saying, "I don't know how to do this and I need help.". Once we surrender and decide there must be another way the results can be miraculous. As the saying goes, "When the student is ready, the teacher appears.", and suddenly we are truly hearing things that people around us might have been saying all along but we couldn't take in. Tony Robbins often asks,

"What if life was not happening to you,

it was happening for you?"

When I stopped clinging to my convictions, when I made room for other possibilities, I was "rewarded" with a whole new, beautiful view of the world and my place in it. In fact, an amazing thing happened while I was writing this -- I received some wisdom from one of the sites I subscribe to that ties in perfectly with all this. Acceptance reveals an understanding that today's circumstances arose from yesterday's focus. This encourages introspection and fueling new thought, actually serving to hasten change. We have to become willing to act and think differently and that's not always easy. Our Ego worries that it will be crushed and denied and it's terrified. That's when we have to muster our courage, lovingly reassure it that it's all going to be ok, and tap in and let our Soul comfort us and lead the way. This is what I wish for you.

Making changes or even recognizing what actually might be working for us is hard to do on our own. I've never achieved personal growth all by myself and that's why I'm committed to helping others. Contact me for a conversation -- I would usually charge for a 1:1 session, but if you get in touch with me here, it's on me.

Sparkles and Love,


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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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