Look Good or Feel Good??

Greetings and welcome back to another Healthy Habits episode! I hope you're doing well. I've noticed there's a lot of buzz about how the pandemic has affected us from actual physical symptoms for people who got sick to the mental stress of living in a changed world. My Life Support Coaching has definitely taken into consideration the anxiety level of clients, especially those in the nursing and caregiving roles. It's been a challenging time, so I was thrilled to read that there's been at least one good thing to come out of it all ...
Current research is showing that people are paying attention to their health more as a means to boost their immunity! In fact, many are reporting that they're watching what and how they eat, not to lose weight necessarily, but to feel better and stronger. I can't tell you how much I love hearing this. We've all been trying to figure out how to deal with this bewildering virus. Even the "experts" have had a hard time keeping up. Especially in the beginning, policies were changing on a daily basis in the hospitals where I've worked as new information poured in. The best thing about this is how many of us decided we couldn't simply turn ourselves over to the medical model, but would have to learn to collaborate with it and take our well-being into our own hands and learn what our part is in being and staying healthy.

Many of us "know" (or think we know) how to eat better and for those who really don't understand that concept, this is a ripe time for learning. What we "know" and what we "do" can be two different things, however. I can easily fall into the category of justifying bad habits with all sorts of excuses, but it got harder to buy into my justifications when the risk of illness or death was hanging over me and I haven't been alone in that.
For years I've talked and written about being a "healthy" weight and I've had some push-back from that. It came across that I was saying you had to be "thin to be in" or that it was a fashion statement. I never wanted it to be taken that way. My focus is on our health factors: blood pressure, ability to move easily, inflammation, risk for diabetes, sleep and breathing problems, depression, aging, and overall quality of life. All of these also contribute to how strong an immune system we can create -- yes, I said create because I know that we have control over improving our fitness and energy levels.
While I've added a couple of supplements to my routine by taking Vitamin C and D3 and some others, I've also paid more attention to cutting back on sugar and making sure I get my veggies in the mix. Hydrating is important along with moving my body, meditating, and getting good sleep.
Do you need some help with getting your body and immune system into shape? Do you kinda' know what to do, but somehow it's just not coming together? I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email and we can have a little "Discovery" session. I can help you get back on track -- this could be one of the best ways for you to "be care-full".
Happy Healthy Habit Hump Day,
