Live As If...
Exuberant greetings from the road! I am at it again -- driving from the east coast to the west in an unconventional fashion. I bid my beloved Boston adieu and I was off starting 10 days ago. For anyone who hasn't been keeping up, I began driving out to Oregon in 2014 to be able to spend time with my daughter. I was tired of flying out once a year (or less!), for just a week or so, under pressure to have fun. It's what I call "Disney World Duress". You know, when you go to a big theme park and since you're only there for a few days you feel like you have to ride ALL the rides and do EVERYTHING and never stop?!? I decided it would be interesting to see some of the USA, within my own time frame, visit friends along the way, and have my freedom to get around on my own while spending good, quality time with my baby (she's the youngest of three) for a month or so. The Trip has evolved over time to include some new friends en route and being more leisurely getting from Point A to Point B. I've also spent varying amounts of time in the Pacific Northwest and last trip I stayed for five months! Who knows how this year's trip will unfold?!
Even though I'm putting miles on my car and stopping in to see dear friends, I've promised to offer up the Monday Quote and Thursday blogette, every other week, no matter what. This week is no exception. I'm sitting at a dining room table in a beautiful home in Tennessee and I'm contemplating the MQ.
"Live as if, As if life was easy, People were awesome, and you haven't yet decided which of your favorite charities should receive your anonymous $1 million donation."
- The Universe
"Before you protest, imagine what that would look and feel like."
The thing is, I believe we are always living "as if", only too often it's as if life is hard, people are annoying, and we're afraid we won't have enough .... of anything. Even reading that sentence makes me feel discouraged. If we go out into our worlds with the attitude of "why bother?!", we'll get exactly what we expect. On the other hand, we could make exactly the same effort to anticipate good things happening and then be amazed at all the WOWS that show up. I know that crappy things happen and it's a bummer. I also know that we can shut ourselves off to some wonder-fullness when we only focus on the bad. One way to start looking for the joys and blessings is to go within and connect with your Soul. It's too hard to be open to how good things can be if we haven't treated ourselves to kindness and compassion. We all know how it feels to be in a yucky situation, but it's easier to find calmness and clarity if we are centered. If we've already practiced feeling hopeful and optimistic -- if we've allowed ourselves to become just as or more familiar with the feelings of positive expectation, we can summon them more easily. Right now it might seem like it's much easier to fall into negativity. It's all around us, right? Yes, and so is it's opposite. If you're having a little trouble with the whole concept of acting "as if", let me give you a tangible example... If you were going to act as if you were going on a trip to a far off, foreign and exotic location (one day soon we will be able to do this again, I'm sure!) you would do a few things:
get a passport
find out if you also needed a visa
do some research on what to see and do while there
plan what you would wear after checking the local weather
make sure you had a good suitcase, etc.
Get the picture? Another example is related to Peggy Huddleston's "Prepare For Surgery and Heal Faster" Program. If you are preparing for an operation, it's beneficial to start anticipating your recovery. In a way, you are programming your brain to expect to wake up feeling comfortable, warm, and cozy. There are many other aspects to it and the bottom line is you begin to act "as if" the procedure will go well and the outcome will be optimal. Our brains can't tell the difference between whether the information we send it is factual or not. It believes everything so send it good messages. There is an abundance of well-being and contentment waiting to be discovered, waiting to be allowed into your life. Receive it with open arms. Act as if it's coming, any minute. This is what I wish for you.
Sparkles and Love,