Small Tweaks, Big Results
Photo by: Breakingpic
Do you ever feel like there's just too much on your "to do" list? We all have that feeling from time to time. When someone tells me that they want to take care of something that's bothering them I'll often recommend they get some help or even coaching on the matter. Most of the time I can practically hear their inward groan and they might even roll their eyes. I know I've been there and done that because it seems like one more thing added onto an already very full plate of life.
The truth is, we can keep putting off taking care of a situation almost indefinitely. What we don't realize is the toll it's taking. Hanging onto something we're tolerating offers no joy. The definition of tolerate says it all: "to endure (someone or something unpleasant or disliked)" Ugh! Simply reading that makes me feel sad and discouraged.
Imagine you want to feel better on a regular basis. You might be feeling a little sluggish or your joints are feeling stressed. This might be because you would feel more energetic if you lost some weight or got involved in more physical activity, yet you keep procrastinating. Every morning, when you wake up, you are reminded that you would like to feel more vibrant. You'd like to look forward to the day with more enthusiasm, but maybe you decide, "Oh, that just feels like too much. I'll see if I can be more motivated tomorrow." Part of the reason that you let yourself stay stuck in that inertia is because it feels way too daunting to take on such a big project and you're already exhausted. Part of the reason you feel so worn-out and weary is because you wake up every morning trying to ignore how awful you feel.
If nothing changes, nothing changes. I'm sure you've heard of that phrase or some variation on it. It's true and it also feels safe to stay with the devil you know. What I want for you is to stop hanging out with the devils and demons and start asking your angels for help. Here's my plan:
Figure out what you want to address in your life. There may be more than one thing on your list. Just pick one -- it's amazing how they all hinge together and taking care of one area always affects others.
Start asking your friends and/or search the internet for ways you might tackle your issue. Ask your angels to help you to be "open" to what you might learn.
I strongly suggest you work with someone or get into an actual group. Buying an online course or simply reading a book often doesn't work. It's too easy to put it off until tomorrow or next week or ...??
The most amazing thing about doing this is that:
(1) you will often find some instant relief in taking the first step, and
(2) you will be astounded at how just a few simple changes will put you on the
road toward big shifts.
I know. I can be the queen of postponement and I can rationalize with the best of them. It never works and I just become more and more miserable until I finally get the gift of desperation. Honestly, I recommend not getting to that point. It's so much more juicy and life-affirming to take care of business and start tweaking the heck out of what's not working.
Photo by Pixabay
Always take an inventory of everything outstanding in your life before you attack the annoying, troublesome areas. Get some help with what you need. If you want to run it by someone, I'm available: Trust that the solution is so much more manageable than dealing with the everyday drain on your life. Raise your energy level and move onward and upward! This is what I wish for you.