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Hi, and how are you doing? Before you say something like, "Fine", stop for a minute, please. How are you doing, feeling?? I am a great one for "calling in" how I want to feel, but sometimes it's a good idea to go with the truth because

Change Starts With Honesty

Even more important is that you are honest with yourself and I think it's good to get vulnerable and have full disclosure with others, too. Not just anybody and definitely not everybody, but a select few who can hold your space and you'll return the favor. These Wednesday rants of mine are all about how to take better care of ourselves at any age and especially as we get older. It's about boosting our immune systems and giving our bodies a chance to repair if necessary or maintain well-being.

If we take a candid look at ourselves ... our feelings, thoughts, physical condition, and general state of affairs we start to get an idea of what's working and what's not. This is not meant to be a bashing session. I am no advocate for beating up on ourselves. This is simply seeing where we are so that we can figure out a plan for change where needed. There is no judgement involved. It's about stating the facts, just as they are. Only by doing that can we move into an effective plan of action. Once we are objective about what we don't want, we can switch up the energy and go for what we do want. Contrast is a beautiful thing! There's one more thing: I'm seeing and talking with a lot of people who are struggling with the events of the last couple of years. Trying to "get over" this challenging time is stressful all by yourself. I'm focusing my coaching these days on getting beyond the weariness, anxiety, sleep issues, and weight gain many have experienced, especially nurses and caregivers. If you're finding yourself as a member of that club or you know someone who is, please contact me or pass my info along. I'm invested in turning this around. As always, be care-full.

Happy Healthy Habit Hump Day,


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About the Author




Barbara L Cummings, MS, RN

is a sassy Queen-ager whose mission is to co-create a happier, healthier life with and for others.

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